Manage spectator flow and safety personnel in

01 / SENSE

EVAGUIDE “senses” the status of the venue, by collecting and processing all kinds of information gathered from physical sensors (e.g. fire/ smoke, luminosity), access control systems (turnstiles), visitor’s feedback (spectator app) and data from wifi presence analytics and Bluetooth beacons, used to define the number and location of visitors in the venue.
03 / GUIDE

In case of emergency, EVAGUIDE calculates the optimum evacuation route based on the venue status, updates the display of the active exit signs and guides visitors through the spectator app to the nearest, unobstructed and safe exit based on their location. Stewards accommodate evacuation, receiving also the updated evacuation plan.

EVAGUIDE uses state-of-the art crowd simulation algorithm to calculate the evacuation time and to optimize the evacuation routes in real time based on the current situation in the venue, taking into consideration the sensor’s alerts, the steward’s feedback and the number/ location of visitors in the venue.

All data collected from sensing mechanisms, together with the results from the crowd simulation algorithm are displayed in the COP which provides a visual representation of the situation in real time using advanced 3D model of the venue. COP contributes to decision support, incident report and steward’s dispatch mechanism.
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+30 210 6541 942
Spectator's application

push-notification messages about the status
evacuation alerts in case of an emergency
location-specific evacuation routes based on user’s actual position
functionality for requesting assistance for users;
situation awareness to safety personnel about the progress of the evacuation process.
Stewards application
An app for coordination of stewards
Dispatch mechanism for safety personnel
Display current location of strewards
Notifications and create new incident functionality
Overview of the facility and of the open tickets (incidents)
Quick action buttons on each ticket for quicker and easier response to the safety managers

Common Operational Picture

Information collected from the sensor infrastructure of the stadium is visualized in the COP (Common Operational Picture).
The COP offers real-time management of the current status of the stadium and enhanced situational awareness about incidents
The EVAGUIDE system associates the LDER (Location-Based Evacuation Route) with the location of the Dynamic Exit Sign and activates them accordingly (allowed or block direction)
Signs deployed in selected turning points of the routes
An arrow points to the optimal exit
Dynamic evacuation process is facilitatedDispatch mechanism for safety personnel


Designate & sustain a Location-based Dynamic Evacuation Route (LDER)
Increase situation awareness
Improve response times under any circumstances
Increased preparedness (simulating complex scenarios, training and assessment of performance)
Identify threats
Aims to address the safety needs of visitors to large facilities, during complex evacuation processes
Why do you need an evacuation system?
*ESSMA Evacuation procedures REPORT 2019

15/16 clubs would be interested in a digital tool for
evacuation procedures

Stewards are used as the primary evacuation method in most Stadia, creating the possibility of human error